Aortic Arch Anomalies
- General
- Most are asymptomatic
- Unless they cause encircling vascular ring like pulmonary sling
- Can be complex lesions requiring multiple projections
Left Aortic Arch With Anomalous Right Subclavian Artery (RSCA)
- Occurs in less than 1% of people
- RSCA passes posterior to esophagus
- Pushes trachea and esophagus forward
- Produces oblique shadow above aortic arch on frontal film
- Origin of RSCA may be dilated
- Diverticulum of Kommerell is most commonly seen with a right aortic arch and anomalous left subclavian artery (LSCA)
Right Aortic Arch
- Types
- At least five different types
- Only two of importance
- Mirror Image Type — Type I
- Aberrant left subclavian — Type II
- General considerations
- Recognized by leftward displacement of barium-filled esophagus
- Of air-filled trachea
- Aortic knob is absent from left side
- Aorta descends on right
- Para-aortic stripe returns to left side of spine just above diaphragm
- Mirror-image type almost always has associated congenital heart disease (CHD)
- Usually Tetralogy of Fallot
- Aberrant Left Subclavian type rarely has associated CHD
- Most common variety of right arch
Type 1—Mirror Image Type
- Secondary to interruption of left arch just distal to ductus arteriosis
- Associated with congenital heart disease 98% of time
- Imaging Findings
- No posterior impression on trachea or barium-filled esophagus
- Heart is usually abnormal in size or shape
- Aorta descends on right

Mirror-image right aortic arch. This contrast-enhanced axial CT scan at the level of the aortic arch
demonstrates a right sided-aortic arch. There is no retrotracheal, retroesophageal
aberrant left subclavian artery. This is the mirror-image variety
with a high association with congenital heart disease..
For a larger photo of the same image, click on this link
Type ll—Aberrant Left Subclavian
Secondary to interruption of left aortic arch between LCC and LSC arteries
Associated with cardiac defects 5-10% of the time
Tetralogy of Fallot most often (71%)
ASD or VSD next most often (21%)
Coarctation of aorta rarely (7%)
Anomalous left subclavian artery (retroesophageal and retrotracheal)
Aorta descends on right
Imaging Findings -- Right Aortic Arch with Aberrant LSCA
If there is a mirror-image right aortic arch, then
90% will have Tetralogy of Fallot
6% with Truncus Arteriosis
5% with Tricuspid Atresia
If the person has the following lesions, then the association with a mirror-image arch is
Truncus arteriosis 33%
Tetralogy of Fallot 25%
Transposition 10%
Tricuspid atresia 5%
VSD 2%
Double Aortic Arch
General considerations
Most common vascular ring
Rarely associated with congenital heart disease
Caused by persistence of R and L IV branchial arches
Passes on both sides of trachea
Joins posteriorly behind esophagus
Right arch is larger and higher
Left arch is smaller and lower
Barium swallow shows bilateral impressions on frontal view
Angiogram is characteristic
Imaging Findings -- Double Aortic Arch
Right arch is higher and larger
Left arch is lower and smaller
Produces reverse S on esophagram on AP
On lateral, arches are posterior to esophagus and anterior to trachea
Cervical Aortic Arch
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